Operational Steps
The first thing to do is to subscribe to the site or go to the Contact Me page and send a form with the words Application for the Five Ways Farm Project, Phase 1.
Wait to be confirmed.
From the confirmation onwards, you become a member of phase 1, and you have the right to access the site to write the posts required by phase 1.
Your password will initially protect the posts and be visible only to the administrator (Ciro Zanin) and the author of the posts.
Once phase 1 is over, whoever wishes to move on to phase 2 can make a request using the contact form.
Wait to be confirmed.
From the confirmation onwards, you become a member of Phase 2, and you can start writing the posts foreseen by Phase 2.
Up to this level, you are under no obligation to participate with enthusiasm, intelligence, and respect for others.
Posts will be shared among all participants only with the administrator’s consent via email, who will replace personal passwords with a group password.
Once phase 2 is over, those who wish to move on to phase 3 can make a request using the contact form.
Think about it! It is a choice of total change, let pass at least one night after deciding to move to phase 3, do not be in a hurry to make such a request because it is binding and involves your irrevocable consent to subscribe and bring a share of capital stock in the company to be formed. This step is a contractual and binding step, which will be completed with a deposit payment.
I am not in a hurry to realize the project. I’m more concerned about finding jovial, motivated, confident, bright, and fun companions on the journey (and in life).
Wait to be confirmed.
From confirmation on, you become a Phase 3 member, potential founder, and underwriter.
Once the underwriter’s group is formed and incorporated, I will have achieved my purpose and finished my role as a promoter.
From that point on, I will become a founding member on par with everyone else, and we all will move on to Phase 4.
Anyone wishing to do so may join phase 1.
Phase 1 carries no duties on those who join except to participate with enthusiasm, intelligence, and respect for others.
To join, fill out the contact form marked Request to Join Five Ways Farm Project, Phase 1.
In this phase, everyone will begin to focus on themselves, applying the “Business Model You”[1] model, limiting themselves to the first two boxes (Basic Form):
Key Resources, and the key resources are us, and, therefore, everyone will try to answer the question, “Who am I?”, What do I have? What intangible and tangible resources can I rely on to start a new initiative?” and
Key Activities, and the key activities are those that we like to do or that we know how to do, regardless of whether we want them or not, and, therefore, each person will try to answer the questions: “What do I like to do?” and “What can I do?”
Since every significant change in our lives begins with ourselves, at this stage, following the indicated text, each of us will try to define our prevailing personality (according to Holland, each of us has a dominant personality chosen from one of these six: Artistic, Social, Investigative, Entrepreneurial, Realistic, Conventional), our interests, our innate abilities, and our acquired skills, and, again, try to figure out what we do willingly and what we do well.
The two “things,” who we are and what we do, should be consistent with each other.
If they are not, wouldn’t it be appropriate to change what we do and try to make them in harmony with each other?
During this phase, we will keep in touch via Zoom or another platform.
When we give written consent to the site administrator (Ciro Zanin), we will share, in a mode reserved to the group formed, our posts related to the two Business Model You boxes dealt with in the Basic Module (Key Resources and Key Activities).
Having reached this point, the people involved will have started to get to know each other online (ZOOM, WhatsApp).
Once they have passed the exercise of dealing with the first two boxes of the Business Model You (Basic Module), those who wish to do so will move on to Phase 2.
Anyone who wishes may join in phase 2.
Phase 2 does not imply any duty on the part of those who join except to participate with enthusiasm, intelligence, and respect for others.
To join, fill out the contact form with the words request to enter Phase 2.
In this phase, everyone will begin to put in focus the relationships that he/she would like to create with the society and the association, the two juridical instruments that we will go to constitute, continuing to apply the model “Business Model You” continuing with the seven remaining boxes (Advanced Module), making particular attention.
the Value Proposition box (Value Proposed or Value Proposition offered to the Customer), which in our case is the contribution that each one of us would like to make to the company and the association following our characteristics (personality, interests, skills, and abilities), and
to the Customer Segments box, where each of us will imagine what the company and the association, considered our clients, could require from us.
By setting out what we would like to bring to the company and the association, and, on the other hand, by setting out what we expect the company and the association to require of us, we will lay the groundwork for what we would like to achieve.
During this phase, we will keep in touch through Zoom.
When we give written consent to the site administrator (Ciro Zanin), we will be able to share, in a mode reserved for the formed group, our posts related to the Business Model You boxes dealt with in the Advanced Module (BMY-ValueProposition, BMY-CustomerSegments, BMY-CustomerRelationships, BMY-Channel, BMY-RevenueStreams, BMY-KeyPartners, and BMY-CostStructure).
Following the text Business Model You, the work done is propaedeutic to the following work aimed at planning the activities and the functioning of the association and the agricultural company srl, which will follow other texts, first of all, Business Model Generation.
During this phase, people who have time could enroll in two training courses held near their residence, one Organic Farming and one of Permaculture (PDC – Permaculture Design Course from 72h) with the Italian Academy Permaculture.
During phases 1 and 2, whoever wants can visit me to get to know me and see the place.
For my part, whenever a sufficient number of potentially interested people is reached, I will organize a day or a weekend of “work and fun” at my site, covid19 permitting.
Finally, once we have reached a sufficient number of people interested in participating in the project, we will move on to phase 3, in which those who wish to participate will assume responsibilities and obligations. We will call phase 3 the BINDING CHOICES phase.
Welcome to Phase 3. This step is the final phase, and once you submit the contact form with the words Phase 3 Application, your membership is contractually binding.
If up to Phase 2, we will have studied ourselves and generated many ideas of developing the Five-Ways-Farm Project, in Phase 3, we will move to the actual development of the Five-Ways-Farm Project.
A first meeting will be called, and it will be a review and possible selection meeting attended by all those who have filled out the contact form with the wording Adhesion to Phase 3.
Think about it! It is a choice of total change, let pass at least one night after deciding to move to phase 3, do not be in a hurry to make such a request because it is binding and involves your irrevocable consent to subscribe and contribute a share of capital stock in the constituting agricultural society s.r.l. This step is a contractual and binding step, which will be completed with a deposit payment.
I am not in a hurry to realize the project. I’m more concerned about finding positive, motivated, confident, bright, and funny travel (and life) companions.
In case the number of those who will send the contact form with the wording Adhesion to Phase 3 is higher than the maximum number of places available in this project, a selection will be held, and the excluded ones will be registered in the register of potential adherents to be contacted as soon as a share of this project is put on sale or as soon as a sufficient number of potential adherents has been reached to found a new Community/Association/Agricultural Society, to realize a second project.
Once selected, participants will be required to pay by bank transfer, a deposit in my favor, as the project’s promoter, for an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the share opted.
I request the selected candidates the payment of a deposit to avoid participation in this phase of undecided subjects (not committed) that could force us to postpone the start of the whole project with their possible subsequent renunciation.
If the agricultural company is not set up within 90 days from receipt of deposits, the deposits will be fully refunded to the payers within the next five days.
If the agricultural company is established, the deposits will contribute to the payment of capital stock during the company’s establishment, obviously in the name and on behalf of those who have paid them.
If a selected participant wants to withdraw from the project in the period between the payment of the deposit and the day of the establishment of the company, I will acquire the deposit as a lump sum reimbursement of expenses incurred for the promotion of the project.
Those who wish to do so may request, at their own cost, the issuance in their favor of a bank guarantee or primary insurance company, the duration of 120 days, for an amount equal to the amount of the deposit paid, actionable once the period of 110 days from the date of issue of the guarantee and provided that 1) the agricultural company has not been established, 2) I have not already provided for the full refund of the deposit by bank transfer.
Once the deposit has been collected and the necessary agreements have been discussed and defined (articles of incorporation, bylaws, amount of share capital, contributions of each partner, approved estimates of the value of the assets I own), I will organize a meeting at which we will approve.
the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the agricultural limited liability company;
the final amount of the capital stock to be subscribed and the contributions of each partner;
the final valuation of the value of the two buildings I own, of the relative photovoltaic systems and the movables, contained therein, functional to the activity;
the date, within 90 days from the payment of the confirmatory deposits, on which the notary, in the course of a single meeting, must carry out the following operations: incorporation of the company, subscription of the company shares by the partners, excluding myself, transfer of the two properties to the company, subscription of the company shares by me, payment by the company of the taxes and expenses relating to the incorporation of the company and the purchase of the properties.
Once the meeting with the notary has taken place, the agricultural limited liability company has been constituted, and the registered notarial documents have been received:
I will cease the role of promoter and become one of the founding partners on a par with all the others, “unus inter pares”; from that moment on, the decisions of the agricultural company will be made according to the articles of incorporation and bylaws of the company;
we will begin to develop the project both online and in real meetings; we will start to deal with Investment and Strategy at various levels and gradually move on to the operational phase;
The association’s decisions will be made according to the bylaws of the association itself, once established in the form deemed most appropriate.
Definition of a first Chronoprogram, subject to continuous updates, having as its object the design and implementation of investments and selecting activities to be undertaken by both the agricultural company and the association.
Agricultural Society with limited liability
Rural Building for Members’ Apartments – Construction of members’ apartments according to ClimateHouse Nature criteria.
Particularly valuable installations from a permacultural perspective:
rainwater harvesting system,
phyto-purification system for wastewater,
bio-pool and solarium,
Other Buildings for members (spa and areas for study and soft sports activities with mattress)
Assets – Selection of core agricultural and related activities to be undertaken (Business Model Design); assessment of human, financial, intangible, and material resource requirements to be committed and economic and financial, environmental, and social forecasts for each activity and the company as a whole (Business Plan, Triple-Bottom Line).
Land – Evaluation of which and how much land to lease or purchase.
Buildings for agricultural activities: Greenhouses, Funnels, Fences, Stables, and Manures.
Auxiliary Buildings: Laundry, Dryers, Laboratories for small local productions, Cold Storage, Warehouses.
Buildings for non-members (customers, woofers, employees).
Company Personnel – Drawing up an organizational chart of the company, assessing who to include in the company’s staffing, with what positions, roles, responsibilities, duties, relationships, and compensation.
Enumerate, analyze and choose the primary and secondary purposes of the association.
Choose the legal type of the association and draft the articles of incorporation and bylaws.
Establish the association.
Evaluate how to organize the association, which groups to form within it to carry out the tasks approved by the members.